Why Incels Hate Women
Before Alek Minassian used a van to kill 10 and injure 15 people this week, he left a message on Facebook. It exclaimed, “The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!” Incels, or “involuntary celibates,” are a hate group. That’s not up…
Incels: Trapped in a self-fulfilling prophecy
Out there in the dark corners of the internet are forums festering with lonely virgins, called “incels,” whose discussions center around their self-perceived undesirability and their collective hatred for women. Reddit has recently removed one of its forums after maddened comments began turning dangerously violent. The term “incels” refers to a group of people, mostly…
Sex-A better way of satisfaction
Sex is not bad for health. There is no denying the fact that sex is a better option for satisfaction. Having the best ideas about safe sex reduces the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections, especially aids. Safe and protected sex indicates that couple must in the cover of safest and prevent full sex. If…